Progress Singapore Party: Forget Me Not

Written by Darryl on
Progress Singapore Party: Forget Me Not

GE2020 saw the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) fielding the most candidates as an opposition party, but its closest fight came just 2% shy of beating the incumbent Peopleā€™s Action Party (PAP). It was an impressive result for a new party, but it leaves PSP in an awkward situation: with founder and Secretary-General Dr Tan Cheng Bockā€™s eventual retirement, can this party continue to grow from strength to strength?

PSPā€™s branding seems to give us some clues.


Whether Dr Tan likes it or not, the PSP logo has made clear references to him. Dr Tanā€™s 2011 Presidential bid was represented by a palm symbol, visually similar to the standard postage stamp by SingPost. He said in a Facebook post that the ā€œleaves of the palm represent our multiracial society, the trunk represents them coming together, and the roots represent us taking root in Singaporeā€. It was an unpolished symbol but good enough for a presidential election, where faces tend to take centre stage.

PSP logo evolution
(Source 1, Source 2, Source 3)

The latest iteration of the palm for the PSP is most refined. The almost-symmetrical logo (check the leaf cuts) is simple but unique enough to be recognised as a logo, something which new parties such as Red Dot United struggled with.

While PSPā€™s logo does not pack the same punch as PAPā€™s lightning, it already has an unofficial decade-long history of representing one of Singaporeā€™s most popular politicians. With a few electoral wins, the logo has the potential to dominate the public consciousness of local politics.

As for the meaning behind the logo, the first 15 seconds of this video sums it up:

The logoā€™s ā€˜person-shaped trunkā€™ represents that people are the PSPā€™s core interest and source of strength. The partyā€™s website explains its brand identity in greater detail.


Singaporeā€™s otter craze never really went away since we began spotting them in parks and riversides. Amatuer videos of their latest territorial ventures continue to make the news periodically.

psp otica mascot

Otica, PSPā€™s mascot, rides on the local popularity of the animal and makes a cute election souvenir. The ā€˜pretty pleaseā€™ pose is disarming, fitting for its role as PSPā€™s Chief Compassion Officer. If the logo was smaller, Otica could even become a trendy gift for kids.

While other local political parties have their own mascots (Singapore Democratic Partyā€™s Danny the Democracy Bear, Singapore Democratic Allianceā€™s Sinpo), their absence in GE2020 was a missed opportunity to connect with younger voters. Conversely, look at how Otica become part and parcel of PSPā€™s campaign.

Up Close and Personal series psp
Up Close and Personal Youtube series (Source)

When Lee Hsien Yang announced that he was joining the PSP, Otica was there to cushion any negative reaction to his membership.

Lee Hsien Yang psp

When the coronavirus crisis hit Singapore, Otica even wore a mask.

otica psp covid-19 mask

Oticaā€™s strength lies in subtle promotion; its presence on social media helps to sell the party as a dynamic one, as opposed to blasting the candidatesā€™ faces at you opportunistically.

Brand Applications

The $30 Otica soft toy leads PSPā€™s fundraising effort from a slew of party merchandise. They all feature the party logo, with no references to the slogan ā€œFor Country, For Peopleā€ or the catchy phrase ā€œYou Deserve Betterā€.

psp brand merch

PSPā€™s brand applications are more interesting online - the palm fronds are used for series logos, which bring diversity to the visual identity.

psp video series 1
psp video series 2

Perhaps in the next GE when the PSP brand is stronger, we would see a more creative set of physical merchandise with designs similar to the brand applications online.

Election Posters

When I first came across a PSP election banner, I was surprised at how polished everything looked. The portraits were professionally done and the clean aesthetic was even neater than the PAPā€™s, which had blurred out backgrounds for whatever reason.

psp election banner

PSPā€™s election posters also took a page out of PAPā€™s election playbook - apart from the usual candidate posters, PSP also put up logo posters and some with Dr Tanā€™s face in constituencies where he was not contesting in.

psp election poster west coast
psp election poster logo

While Dr Tan said he was careful not to overshadow the PSP candidates so they could become self-sufficient in future GEs, his personal brand ironically skyrocketed during the campaign season. Netizens flocked to his Instagram account and bestowed on him the title of Hypebeast Ah Gong.

tan cheng bock psp poster
A clearer look at Dr Tan's election poster (Source)

Whatā€™s Next?

PSP might not have won a seat this election, but the party has presented itself as a credible and eye-opening alternative to the PAP on the visual front. Whether Singaporeans are more willing to vote for them or even care about the aesthetics of political design remains to be seen.

Nonetheless, PSPā€™s visual identity has given the party a huge boost of legitimacy. While its political fate without Dr Tan remains a mystery, his personal touch can be found all over the brand, unforgettable at least for this generation.


Branding Singapore is a series which explores notable local brand identities. Explore Singaporeā€™s design scene with us on Facebook and Instagram.